I originally got a political science degree because I thought politics made a difference. After a few election cycles, I concluded that my vote does not matter. Here are fifteen reasons why I no longer vote.
15 Reasons Why I No Longer Vote
Statistically Insignificant
Political campaigns market to their constituents by saying things like “you’re vote matters” and “one vote makes all the difference.” But is that true? If you look statistically at the data. Their argument does not hold up. A vote may make a difference between three friends deciding where to go for dinner. Each person has an opportunity to become a swing vote to decide where to go out to dinner.
In 2020, 61% of Americans voted in the Presidential Election. The current American population is just over 335 million. That breaks down to 21,350,000 people voted in 2020. One vote gets lost among the millions of votes cast. It even gets lost among the thousands to millions of votes that may be cast from local to state elections. That is what I mean when I say a vote is statistically insignificant.
External Distraction
Politics is an external distraction. It is a way to distract the masses from choosing a political side. This is a clever strategy to keep people from bettering themselves. They instead want a politician to solve their issues. Politicians don’t solve problems. Most of the time, they only make things worse.
Political Theatre
Politics is another form of theatre. It is more entertaining to watch than movies or television. The titles of the bills usually pass do the opposite of what they are marketed to the people as doing. Case in point, the Inflation Reduction Act will do precisely the opposite. It is merely an excuse for the government to print more money.
Are Politicians Idiots Or Evil? Pick Your Poison
After 2020, more people should be asking themselves a very simple question. Are politicians idiots or evil? Politicians, along with government agencies like the CDC, caused economic and financial terrorism by forcing small businesses to shut down and people to remain in their homes while multinational corporations like Amazon were able to stay open. On top of that, politicians of both parties, like Ted Cruz, and Dr. Deborah Birx went to Delaware to have a Thanksgiving dinner with her family despite her warning. Governor Gavin Newsom got dinner at the French Laundry, Austin Mayor Steve Adler's trip to Mexico, and other politicians who broke their own covid restrictions to do something that you or I were told not to do. But are they rules when there are two sets of rules? One set of rules for politicians and the ruling class and the second set of rules for the ordinary person?
Personality Type That Goes Into To Politics
Politics attracts a particular personality type. The actions by politicians over the last two years should not be a surprise. I know this deeper because I had a former friend who was involved in politics. He helped a campaign for a 2016 political candidate and seemed to have connections with people who were a few degrees away from key political players and people in political news. He told me that behind closed doors, all the people who put up a friendly façade for people have some vice that, if it were found, people would lose respect for them. Politicians, at the end of the day, only care about getting reelected. This means they only care about power. They have no problem crushing the ordinary person to maintain and keep their power.
While politicians don’t produce anything, they can get away with insider trading. Glenn Greenwald found that Nancy and Paul Pelosi were making millions in stock trades in companies she actively regulated. Don’t worry. Republicans like Dan Crenshaw and Austin Scott play the same insider trading games. If we did it, we’d be thrown in jail, but it’s OK for politicians to do. The public accepts it as normal behavior too!
Politicians Don’t Produce Anything Of Value
Politicians don’t produce anything of value, yet people are in awe of politicians. Politicians don’t produce any goods or services that better the lives of people. They only write and argue over passing laws that make people's lives worse.
Waste Of Time
It is a waste of my time to look into each political candidate. It wastes my time to figure out their position on issues. Once a politician is elected, I can’t control how they vote or why they voted a certain way. They vote on issues or problems I don’t have any control over. It is not worth my time to worry about it.
Can’t Control The Outcome
Since I can’t control how a politician is, I can’t control the political outcome. I can’t control the outcome of whom people vote for, so there is no point in using my time to fill out a ballot. It is out of my control.
Can’t Control Politicians
I also am unable to control the politician. I can’t handle what politician does after getting elected behind open or closed doors to pass laws and regulations. I can’t control who a politician meets with. I can’t control who may influence a politician's decisions. However, that person, likely a particular interest group or a prominent donor, will have more influence than your vote in deciding the outcome of a bill that politicians are trying to pass or kill. There is a revolving door between politicians and big business. Another name for that is fascism.
The Myth Of The Greater Good
Politicians push the lie of the greater good. The greater good is a fallacy. The myth enables them to pull the wool over people’s eyes. It sounds good to think there is a greater good if people all work together towards something, but that is not reality. There is always more than one option that politicians present to voters.
The Myth Of Public Servants
Politicians are not public servants. They will always look out for themselves and put their self-interest first, just like anyone else, to get ahead and get what they want. For American politics, that will mean amassing fortunes without producing anything while also working to gain more political power. Self-interest is natural to humans. To think that a politician would not let go of self-interest for the “common good” or to help their political constituents is childish thinking.
Voting Supports The Current System
In its most basic form, voting means accepting the current system. It also says that you acknowledge that you are okay with there being a ruling class over you. Who is this ruling class? It is made up of politicians, bureaucrats, and unelected officials in government agencies. Politicians of either party always like to say that the United States will end if the other party gets elected. I admit that I am bearish in the United States, but I don’t see a political solution to solving the problems in the United States.
Casting A Vote Means You Support Having Someone Rule Over You
When you vote for a politician, you support being ruled over by another person. It does not matter what the party affiliation is of the politician. I refuse to let someone rule over me. The current economic and political system has already made it difficult enough for young people to be able to get ahead and become successful.
Passing On Responsibility To Someone Else To Hopefully Get Something Done
When you think your vote matters and politicians make a difference, you pass off your responsibility to someone else. You then hope they can make a big enough difference within the bloated political system of elected and unelected officials.
Focus On What I Can Control
Ultimately, politics is a distraction that takes me away from the things I have control over. I cannot control if the taxes will go up or down. I cannot control whether they vote this way or that way on a social issue. Instead of filling out a ballot or listening to what a politician says at a rally, I would rather spend that time working to improve myself. That means working to improve myself by being healthy, exercising, improving my social skills, and finding ways to build up my net worth. Anything that takes away from those things, especially politics, wastes my time. If more people had thought like this, they would have vastly improved their own lives and the lives of others instead of waiting on politicians for solutions.
Politicians do not deserve my respect. They are the last people I trust to get a job done successfully. They are professional liars. Politicians only make things worse by creating more laws, regulations, and rules that people must try not to break. They make it harder for small business owners to allocate capital by passing new tax regulations. Politicians are the last people I want to spend time with, get a drink with, or do anything with because they make my life more complex and the life of the everyday person more difficult.
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