People continue to lose trust in society’s institutions. Our culture raised people to believe that the institutions were there to help them succeed. People were told society’s institutions were there for their benefit.
On the contrary, the institutions are there to maintain the status quo. The institutions are there to keep the people at the top in power in both the private and public sectors.
Here are six institutions people have lost trust in.
Maybe we should be talking.
Real Estate
Socar Chatmon-Thomas, who is a realtor in Austin, Texas, told The Guardian, “It’s pissing me off because somebody who went to school, got a degree, or otherwise did everything right and now has a job making $60,000 can’t buy a home” and is a “breach of the social contract.” The Motley Fool found that “home prices in the U.S. increased by 30% from 2020 to 2022,” while the “median home price increased by 416% from 1980 to 2020.” The Zillow Housing Value Index puts that typical home price in the United States at $355,852 (up 18.2% over the last year). Since real estate is a crucial way to build wealth and security, People have lost trust in realtors.
Since most younger people can no longer afford a house, they must find other solutions. One solution is leaving expensive countries like the United States to live in less expensive countries. Millennials and Generation Z can do this by starting an online business, then deciding if getting residency and a home in another country is what they want to do.
Higher Education
According to a 2018 Gallup poll, only 48% of Americans expressed “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in higher education, “down from 57% in 2015.” There has been a loss of trust in the higher education system for several reasons. First, many people must go into debt to receive a college degree. Second, higher education does not prepare students for life. It teaches people to regurgitate information, be good students, pass a test, and become good employees. Third, the higher education system no longer teaches critical thinking and how students can learn to think for themselves. Fourth, people realize that the most successful people don’t have degrees. They learned by educating themselves through self-education. Finally, the higher education system is going the way of the dinosaur as the university system will be replaced by digital alternatives: online education and digital courses. The last person you want to learn from is a professor.
The higher education system is merely a business that society tells you that you must go to do well in life. As usual, our culture is wrong.
Banks have also seen a decline and loss in trust. According to The Financial Brand, “Half of US adults say their trust in banks has declined over the past few years, although only 18% of Americans say the same about credit unions.” Reasons for loss of trust range from poor customer service to offering a low-interest rate for savings accounts. The Federal Reserve, and central banks, are cartels that do not serve the interests of the people but their self-interest. The centralized banking system is dated in the technology age.
There are now decentralized options to the centralized banking system with cryptocurrencies. You can also put some money into precious metals: gold and silver.
More people are learning how the financial system, specifically the banking system, works through YouTube Channels such as George Gammon. The more people know about how the modern monetary system functions. If you can, consider keeping as little money in the banks as possible.
“I’ve set my own rules to live by. The first one is:'‘Never believe ANYthing the government says.’” - George Carlin
According to Pew Research, the public trust in government is near historic lows, with only 20% “who say they trust the government to do what is right just about always/most of the time.” Pew Research has also found that 65% of people polled say “most political candidates run for office to ‘serve their own personal interests.’” Investment Watch proves that 65% of people surveyed made correct observations, with Republicans and Democrats beating the S & P 500. According to a report by Unusual Whales in 2021, “Congress bought and sold nearly $290 million in stocks (corresponding to 3,500+ transactions by 105 members of Congress).” If you or I did that, it would be considered insider trading.
On the local and state levels, governors locked down their economy in the name of “public health, " resulting in mental health problems, children being unable to attend school, and the state declaring which jobs are “essential jobs.” President Trump approved the CARES Act, which sent people stimulus money. The stimulus checks from the CARES Act are one reason for the current inflation rate. The main reason is the Federal Reserve, but central banks finance government programs and policies.
Politicians are not public servants. They are out for their self-interest. The greater good is a myth.
We’re not for everyone.
Central Banks
The Federal Reserve increased the M2 money supply from $15.4 million from January 2020 to 2022, printing 40% of the money supply during that time. Inflation is caused by the increase in the money supply, which results in higher prices of goods and services throughout the economy. Inflation must match the money supply in the economy. It usually takes some time to catch up, which is why you may continue to see prices rising for goods and services in your area.
The Federal Reserve increased the money supply in the economy by 40%.
Central banks are the enemy of the people. They can print money out of thin air. Central banks can distribute money to the people closest to them, called the Centillion Effect. The Federal Reserve props up the stock market.
Medical System
The only pandemic was a casedemic because PCR was used to manufacture a casedemic.
There has been a loss of trust in the healthcare system. According to Deloitte Insights, “After an experience where they lost trust [with a healthcare provider], four out of five participants say there was nothing the provider/health system could do to make them return to the same provider or health system.” A Gallup Poll found that Americans' trust in the medical system declined from 44% in 2020 to 38% in 2022.
The graph above is also important because it shows what some people were saying in 2020. There was no pandemic. No one listened because the media said otherwise. Yet, the medical system went along with fear-mongering and propaganda from the mainstream media. If the medical system was not a bureaucratic administrative nightmare beholden to the FDA, CDC, Medicaid, and Medicare, maybe things would have turned out differently. We will never know. Because just like all the other institutions, the medical system has become corrupt. It fell for the propaganda around “Covid.” The medical system exposed its true colors to the public.
Dr. Mercola writes about the propaganda of the Covid pandemic:
“Today, three years in, it's quite evident that COVID is a psychological operation. For example, since 2022 at the latest, COVID has been nothing more than another endemic respiratory infection, much like the common cold, yet the pandemic has not been declared ‘over.’
We now also have clear evidence that the COVID jabs don't prevent infection or spread of the virus, which negates the entire premise for vaccine passports, yet they're being pushed anyway. In short, COVID-19 was (and still is) a means to an end; to suspend and strip us of Constitutional rights and civil liberties, and to further social, political and financial restructuring objectives outside democratic processes.”
“Safe and effective,” “Trust the Science,” and “Two weeks to flatten the curve” are all marketing slogans. It was propaganda. None of them is a scientific statement. They were proclaimed by “experts” who the public sheepishly looked up to for answers in their fear campaign from the mainstream legacy media.
The pandemic exposed the healthcare industrial complex for what it was and how it operates. People rightly became cynical and lost trust in doctors, hospitals, vaccine manufacturers, and government agencies such as the CDC and FDA. To make matters worse, Millennials experienced a ‘Vietnam War event’ in 2021 that went unnoticed by the medical system.
The Daily Sceptic writes about Senior Swedish Doctors calling “Covid” vaccines “Obviously Dangerous” while linking to a range of studies from Israel, Switzerland, Thailand, Nordic studies (Le Vu et al, Karlsbad et al, Patone et al.), European Medicines Agency, and even Pfizer’s studies. The problems related to the “Covid” vaccines ranged from myocarditis to reproductive health issues for men and women. The medical system also pushed masks that were always known not to work. There have been more than 170 studies on the ineffectiveness of masks and harm. Here are more studies on masks.
If the medical system would push a harmful injection onto patients, what else has your primary care doctor been telling you that works that is harming you? Start to do your own research and think for yourself.
Steve Kirsch has investigated and asked the questions the medical system would never ask.
What could have caused so many healthy working-age adults to die?
Loss of trust in institutions happens when politics get involved in every area of people’s lives, from medicine to real estate to business.
Invest In Yourself
It was always a lie that the institutions were there to help you. There are no public servants. Everyone naturally looks out for their self-interest.
You can work to find ways to increase your income to buy a house. You could also consider moving to a less expensive country if you can work remotely or have an online business.
You focus on self-education. You can learn from people with experience by finding people who have mastered a topic or skills by learning on their own. You can learn from people online today. You can read blogs and watch YouTube videos. You can take digital courses.
You can find ways to keep as much of your money as possible to prevent the government from stealing it from you. You can find tax deductions. You can learn about the wealthy's business strategies to pay as little tax as possible. You can find ways to keep more of your money which will help you.
You can learn about the history of money. You can learn about how the financial system works. You can become your own central bank by holding precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and owning real assets.
You can focus on your health. You can exercise. You can regularly go to the gym. You can follow a diet. You can eat healthy instead of consuming processed and fast foods. You can lose weight.
Read the second part of the Loss Of Trust In Institutions series.
No one is coming to save you. You can invest in yourself.
This world rejects me
This world threw me away
This world never gave me a chance
This world's gonna have to pay
I don't believe in your institutions
I did what you wanted me to
I'm like the cancer in your system
I've got a little surprise for you
We’re not for everyone.