The Power of Self-Investment: Thriving Amidst Multiple Crises
The best investment is in yourself. You can thrive amidst the multiple crises that the new fear-mongers every day. Will you choose to invest in yourself or succumb to fear? Choose opportunity.
Do you allow yourself to be distracted by every new crisis? Do you let external distractions take away your valuable time and attention? Have you ever considered that problems present opportunities?
There are many distractions. There is a new daily crisis in the news. You can choose to be distracted by multiple crises or invest in yourself.
Multiple Crises
There are multiple crises that you are told to care about.
A pandemic.
AI is coming to take your jobs.
World War 3.
A former president who has been in the news for indictment charges.
Another mass shooting.
Union strikes.
Taylor Swift and Barbenheimer rescue the economy.
It does not matter if you get your news from the television, the Internet, or social media. Fear marketing is a tactic to get you to return to the next news cycle. Instead of being distracted by the news, start to invest in yourself.
Who knew a singer and two blockbuster movies needed a great economy? The economy is doing great! Do not trust your eyes when you go to the grocery store or anything else not included in the CPI numbers.
You can continue to worry about things that do not directly affect you. That is more energy you will waste not being productive.
Time And Attention
Your time and attention are two critical assets. Many people waste their time and attention on bread and circuses. Modern day circuses include television, video streaming, social media, and sports.
You can begin to use your time and attention to invest in yourself. Rather than watching a couple of hours of videos on YouTube, work to build a side hustle into an online business. Invest in the stock market instead of spending money going to the bar every weekend. Research ways to make passive income instead of watching Netflix.
Tick tock. Time and attention are ticking away.
Seize Opportunities
Seize opportunities that come your way. It may be a personal crisis. It could be trying to resolve a daily problem you know others deal with. You may not be able to resolve a global crisis like the possibility of World War Three, but you can find a problem and work to find a solution to it.
You help people by solving a problem. You can have a major and a minor niche. The best opportunities come in evergreen niches. The evergreen niches consist of:
You can break each of those down into further categories. Relationships can be broken down into relationships with oneself, dating, and marriage. Health can be broken down into natural health, Western medicine, and exercise. Money can be broken down into the stock market, starting a business, or making passive income.
Invest In Yourself
You can turn off your television, YouTube, social media, and start to invest in yourself. You can maybe only look at something for a short break. It is impossible to control external distractions, be it social media or how you want people to view you. It is best to invest in yourself. You can work to begin to reach your goals.
One way to invest in yourself is to focus on your relationships with your friends, family, and people in your community. You could spend more time with your friends and family. Another way is to be involved with community members with similar interests or beliefs.
You can focus on your health. It could be going for a walk every day. It could be going to the gym for an hour or two. It could be reducing your calories to lose weight by following a diet.
Another way to invest in yourself is to find ways to increase your income. There are many ways to increase your income, but they all require work. The stock market is one option. Starting an online business is another option. Investing in real estate or land could be another choice.
The best investment is in yourself. You are responsible for your relationships with yourself and others, your health, and your financial situation. The good news is you can find ways to improve all three. It would help if you took action to improve the areas where you are weak.
Words are meaningless. Action is what separates the talkers from the people who take action.
Secure Single’s Algorithm recommends:
It is up to you if you want to allow yourself to continue to be distracted by the crises that appear every day in the fear-mongering news or if you are going to invest in yourself. The first makes you stuck. The second ends in results because you accept self-responsibility in your life. It is ultimately up to you which path you take.
“You can do anything you set your mind to, man.” - Eminem “Lose Yourself”
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Cutting out the news is one of the best things you can do. It’s designed to suck you in and the most effective way to do that is through fear.
If really really need the news, you can try The Knowledge app. This gives you a plain text cut down version of the news once a day. No opinions. Just facts. That’s the most anyone needs.