Is part-time and gig work becoming the new normal? Are traditional jobs ending? Here is a look at the dark side of the gig economy and the truth about part-time work.
I feel that the system needs to be reformed such that gig or part-time workers are paid higher salaries and receive benefits from their respective employers. Apart from this, companies and employers in general must hire more full-time employees and pay them accordingly, instead of trying to cut costs by opting for part-time or contract workers.
For all this to happen, there needs to be a strong push from the masses for actual, proper wealth distribution from the rich class to the rest of society, and for the government to apply pressure to the corporations to distribute a greater share of the profits gained to their respective workers, instead of being accumulated in the hands of those at the top. The government must also spend more towards improving people's socioeconomic statuses, in order to strengthen their financial security.
This would be a challenging and long process, given that many governments and their societies are deeply entrenched in this one-sided, solely profit-driven, global neoliberal capitalist system. But it can't be denied that this system, is indeed the root cause of many of the problems in society, especially in terms of socioeconomic issues, quality of life, earning decent income, job opportunities, etc.
And therefore, the only true way for things to change for the better is to tackle the root cause of these problems, that is by reforming the system itself.
I feel that the system needs to be reformed such that gig or part-time workers are paid higher salaries and receive benefits from their respective employers. Apart from this, companies and employers in general must hire more full-time employees and pay them accordingly, instead of trying to cut costs by opting for part-time or contract workers.
For all this to happen, there needs to be a strong push from the masses for actual, proper wealth distribution from the rich class to the rest of society, and for the government to apply pressure to the corporations to distribute a greater share of the profits gained to their respective workers, instead of being accumulated in the hands of those at the top. The government must also spend more towards improving people's socioeconomic statuses, in order to strengthen their financial security.
This would be a challenging and long process, given that many governments and their societies are deeply entrenched in this one-sided, solely profit-driven, global neoliberal capitalist system. But it can't be denied that this system, is indeed the root cause of many of the problems in society, especially in terms of socioeconomic issues, quality of life, earning decent income, job opportunities, etc.
And therefore, the only true way for things to change for the better is to tackle the root cause of these problems, that is by reforming the system itself.